Elder Law Report
Elder Law Report
Meet Our Newest Attorney: John Miller III
In this engaging episode, we introduce John Miller III, the latest addition to our Hendersonville office. John's journey from growing up in Asheville to practicing law in North Carolina is filled with insights relevant to anyone interested in the legal profession. With a wealth of experience in real estate law, he brings valuable expertise to estate planning, underscoring the importance of protecting your assets and your loved ones.
As a seasoned attorney, John has navigated thousands of real estate transactions, gaining a profound understanding of how property ownership works and its implications for estate plans. This episode dives deep into how John's background complements the needs of our community, particularly as it relates to serving the growing retiree population in Hendersonville and surrounding areas.
Listeners will discover how building personal connections with clients has transformed John’s approach to law, moving beyond mere transactions to foster meaningful relationships. He emphasizes the importance of understanding clients’ values and goals for effective estate planning, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in how to safeguard their legacy.
Join us as we discuss the future of our firm and our vision for expanding our reach to provide tailored legal service to those who need it most. We invite you to connect with us for a free consultation to discuss how estate planning can protect your assets and ensure your peace of mind. Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion!
Hi, I'm Greg McIntyre. I'm proud to introduce a new attorney with our firm Really not so new You've been with us for a minute but in Hendersonville, north Carolina, in our Hendersonville office, servicing the Hendersonville, henderson County, transylvania County, brevard and Asheville and Buncombe County areas. That's really where we draw clients from and beyond. John Miller III, john, just a great addition to our firm, an attorney that brings a wealth of knowledge to our firm and a little bit of experience right, I would say a little experience.
John Miller, III:Yeah, been out of law school for a while.
Greg McIntyre:Yeah, but but you know, so have I and, and you know, man, I've enjoyed working with John in our Hendersonville office over the last month or so yes, that's right, and meeting with clients, mutually giving them a two for one right where we both kind of sit in and advise and, you know, learning from John and hopefully vice versa. But, john, tell us a little bit about yourself. What's your history?
John Miller, III:Well, thank you, Greg. I'm happy to be here. I think Hendersonville is a great area. I'm excited to be part of this office.
Greg McIntyre:You're originally from this area, not Hendersonville, but Asheville.
John Miller, III:That's true. I grew up in Asheville, I went to Reynolds High School, sure, and then kind of migrated east and went to college. What's the AC's thing for. The AC is and AC Reynolds High School it's. You know, it's the two initials of Sure somebody's name Mr Reynolds, mr Reynolds. Okay, ac, yes, ac, ac of AC Reynolds. It's funny because I went to college in Winston-Salem and there was a high school there, rj Reynolds.
Greg McIntyre:Okay, and so AC is. That's a different Reynolds.
John Miller, III:It's a different Reynolds.
Greg McIntyre:I know that Reynolds it's more, yes, more tobacco, a little more tobacco yeah, I wonder if AC was like his cousin or something, probably his poor cousin, but yeah, I'm excited to be here.
John Miller, III:Grew up in Asheville, migrated east. I spent a long time in the Triangle practicing in mainly the real estate area, but I'm excited for this really new chapter.
Greg McIntyre:So you're a Wake Forest grad undergrad, right. You're a demon deacon, that's right. What are the demon deacons? Does that mean they're? I don't know? That's kind of an oxymoron to me or like a controversial term.
John Miller, III:That was used during a radio broadcast, I think years ago.
Greg McIntyre:Yeah, and it stuck.
John Miller, III:They stuck because the demon deacons were playing so hard that one of the radio announcers made a comment about them. And yeah, you know I love being a Deac. It's a bittersweet thing being a fan.
Greg McIntyre:You guys have had some good teams.
John Miller, III:They're good this year in basketball.
Greg McIntyre:Mugsy.
John Miller, III:Bogues back in the day was a Demon Deacon. He was Tim Duncan.
Greg McIntyre:Tim Duncan, who's the guard?
John Miller, III:that back in the day was a Demon Deacon.
Greg McIntyre:He was Tim Duncan. Tim Duncan, who's the guard that plays in the NBA now? Oh, chris Paul. Chris Paul, yeah, he has some good players. We've had some good ones.
John Miller, III:I actually was in a religion class with Muggsy Bogues back in. Really, he was at Wake Forest at the same time, he seemed like just a really nice guy, super, super nice guy.
Greg McIntyre:Yeah, good ball player, great, yeah, so okay, and then Campbell. You were at Campbell, like me. I was in the hottest place in the universe Campbell University.
John Miller, III:In Buies Creek. In Buies Creek, right right, it was before the law school was moved to Raleigh. Me too, nothing to do there but study.
Greg McIntyre:I called it boot camp for law school. It was like law school boot camp because it was so tough. I mean, they put you through your paces there at Campbell. They were serious.
John Miller, III:It was no joke. They even had the pre-based admission program at that point where the PBAP, where the people were there during the summer just to try to get in.
Greg McIntyre:To jockey for a spot to get in.
John Miller, III:Exactly.
Greg McIntyre:And then they'd weed out folks during their tenure, you know, during the years. So your graduating class was, like you know, smaller than significantly smaller than what we started. Mine was yeah, mine too yeah, but the point was I think they were trying to produce attorneys that were good North Carolina attorneys. I think they have a good focus there to try to do that.
John Miller, III:I think so. I mean, I think the idea was for the school to develop attorneys that could immediately start their own practice and that could serve some of the rural areas in North Carolina and we certainly have that in the western part of the state, but the eastern part of the state as well where in those smaller towns attorneys can go in there and provide good legal services.
Greg McIntyre:Right, yeah, and I think they've done a good job of it. I agree, yeah, I agree, and so you practice some different areas in your career. I know you have a really deep root, or deeply rooted, in property law, which I think is an amazing foundation for estate planning and elder law. We deal with so much real estate and a lot of times that's people's most valuable asset that they have is their home right, so you have a lot of knowledge in that area.
John Miller, III:That is true. I've done, completed, numerous, numerous real estate transactions over a long, long period in the practice of law.
Greg McIntyre:How many closings real estate transactions have you presided over?
John Miller, III:You know, I've never counted. I would say it's probably. Well, it's certainly in the thousands. I don't know if it would be 3,000, I don't know 4,000. I'm not sure. Thousands.
Greg McIntyre:Thousands. Yes, and you did probably title searches in all those too, right?
John Miller, III:A lot of those. A good many of them, yeah, because if you have an institutional loan, if you have a bank lender, you're typically going to get title insurance, which is going to require a title search to do that?
Greg McIntyre:require a title search to do that. So that gives you. You just become intimately familiar with how people own property, the title records, the register of deeds, how all that works. Claims on property, those things right.
John Miller, III:Absolutely, Absolutely. The thing about being a real estate attorney is that your knowledge really bounces off some of the other areas of the law, such as litigation or estate planning If there's an estate involved in selling the property. You have to familiarize yourself with so many different areas of the law with so many different areas of the law.
Greg McIntyre:That's why I think it's a great foundation. From personally having done a ton of real estate closings almost in another life, it feels like Right. It's just. I couldn't imagine coming in fresh, dealing with so much property and estate planning and not having that underpinning my knowledge of what ownership is of real property and how it changes hands and how it's handled so well. I'm very glad. What is your vision for our Hendersonville office and our clients here and our team?
John Miller, III:Well, I definitely want to assist in the growth of this office. I think the Hendersonville area is such a great area for estate planning estate planning and we have so many retirees moving here a good base and foundation of people that have lived here a long time. So I'm excited to be part of this area and I'm looking for growth. I think we want to expand this office, expand the reach, not just in Henderson County but Transylvania County and others. I think Brevard is another area that is really ripe for good estate planning advice.
Greg McIntyre:Agreed, agreed and underserved.
John Miller, III:Definitely.
Greg McIntyre:Definitely. So. What is your favorite thing about dealing with clients? How about that?
John Miller, III:You know that's changed over the years. I used to be much more left-brained and task-oriented when dealing with clients. You know we just need to get this done, and I think that comes from doing a lot of real estate. We just got to get this transaction done and move along. Now what I find is I enjoy finding out more about the person. I enjoy finding out that, hey, maybe I have a connection with them or maybe we went to the same high school or even enjoy the same restaurant. So I find that getting to know the people has become more important to me over the years than just finishing off the transaction.
Greg McIntyre:Sure, the relationships over time Exactly Matter it does. And knowing somebody and I'll say this all the time I mean people will tell you what they want. People will lay out what their estate plan should be. They'll reveal their goals, right with what they value whether it's their home or, you know, it's their grandchildren or their children right, and trying to come up with the proper estate plan for somebody. That's super important, right, it's trying to reveal what those goals are and accomplish those so well. I'm extremely glad that you're with our firm and I look forward to building the Hendersonville office with you.
John Miller, III:I look forward to it as well and I really appreciate the opportunity.
Greg McIntyre:Sure, Absolutely. Yeah, I mean same. So I would say this has been a brief intro to John Miller, whom we're extremely happy to have on board in our Hendersonville office. If you would like to talk to John or myself about protecting your assets and achieving your goals in estate planning protecting assets, your home, retirement, protecting your hard-earned money and property from the high cost of long-term care I would offer a free consult to meet with us. Give us a call at 1-888-999-6600 to take advantage of that, or you can schedule directly on our calendars online at mcelderdahlcom scheduling. Thanks, Thank you.